
Valuation Issues & Answers: Liability of Appraising REOs & Foreclosures

Question: I have been performing a lot of exterior drive-by appraisals for REOs and pre-foreclosure purposes. The intended use is not for any type of financial transaction but for estimating market value purposes only. What is the level of risk for these types of appraisals compared to purchases and refis? Typically these appraisals are for… Read More

Valuation Issues & Answers – Foreclosures & Short Sales as Comps

Editor’s Note: In this installment of Valuation Issues and Answers, Lifflander, ASA,explains how to handle foreclosures and short sales when choosing comparables. Valuation Issues & Answers Foreclosures & Short Sales as Comps By John Lifflander, ASA Question: Please explain the difference between an actual foreclosure sale and a short sale. Should short sales be used… Read More

Reconsidering Foreclosures

When sales activity has diminished, as is the case in today’s market, appraisers have a much smaller pool of comparable transactions available to them. Such times require that appraisers give greater scrutiny to transactions that have traditionally been discarded. Here’s why and how appraisers are reconsidering foreclosures, short sales and listings in an upside down market. Foreclosures A… Read More