Home Inspector Training – Education

Seeking Termites

> E&O/GL Insurance for Home InspectorsCompetitive Rates, Broad Coverage,Free Risk Management, online inspectionsupport for tough questions, discountson education and more... Professional Coverage, Competitive PricingShop OREP today!   >> Editor’s Note: To help you stay up-to-date and connected, OREP/Working RE has established a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion and Resource Page where you can share your thoughts, experiences,… Read More

Home Inspector Continuing Education

Home Inspector Continuing Education OREP and Working RE Home Inspector Magazine are dedicated to providing quality service to home inspectors, not only through comprehensive and affordable E&O policies, but also through providing stories to help keep you safe. Staying up-to-date and educated on new requirements and getting a refresher on some older ones is vital… Read More

Scope of Work Comparison

Editor’s Note: This is a side by side comparison of the Scope of Practice documents of several home inspector associations: AII, ASHI, NACHI, NAHI. Author Michael O’Handley offers several caveats: the comparison was completed in 2006, with the associations making minor changes since. Also, the comparison is based on O’Handley’s interpretation of the documents, which… Read More

Carbon Monoxide: Keeping Safe

Editor’s Note: Low-level exposure to carbon monoxide can cause chronic health conditions from cardiovascular disease to an illness similar to Parkinson’s. It’s easy and inexpensive for appraisers and inspectors to stay safe in other people’s homes (and in their own). Some inspectors also include CO testing in their reports to add value to their service.… Read More

Rose is a Rose

Rose is a Rose Inspecting AND Writing You wouldn’t expect home inspectors to be discussing the fine points of misplaced modifiers or use of the passive voice when sharing report writing tips, but this is exactly the advice veterans gave to a newbie inspector asking for report writing do’s and don’ts, recently on a home… Read More