Home Inspectors

Top 10 Report Writing Tips

Editor’s Note: The following is a (brief) excerpt from the story Successful Report Writing by expert Alan Carson. (Find answers to these questions and others: What are you trying to accomplish with the report?; What do clients want?; Format: electronic or paper?; Should you purchase vs. create your reports?; How to build a knowledge base?;… Read More

Successful Report Writing

Report Writing: Doing it Better to Better Your Business By: Alan Carson, Carson Dunlop Introduction We all like inspecting houses. It’s fun and challenging and we are really good at seeing things that mere mortals can’t. The “show and tell” with clients is rewarding, and the appreciation they feel at the end of the process… Read More

Cutting Expenses as Business Slows

Editor’s Note: This story shows how to avoid inadvertently losing your E&O insurance coverage for past work and being left unprotected, should a claim arise; the consequences to your business and personal life could be disastrous. Cutting Expenses as Business Slows Why Canceling Your E&O Can Really Cost You! by David Brauner, Editor   As… Read More

Growing Web Business: Converting Visitors to Customers

Growing Web Business: Converting Visitors to Customers by Nick Gromicko A home inspector’s website should have only one goal; to convert visitors to customers. Here’s how it’s done. A home inspector’s website is not a newspaper, television, magazine or building. Unlike most websites it should not serve multiple purposes. Don’t give your visitor any freedom to find anything but...… Read More

Moisture & Mold: Steering Clear of Liability

The presence of mold is a contentious issue for building owners, builders, insurance companies, real estate agents and others. Mold addendums to sales contracts are now offered by many real estate boards for use by their members in sales transactions. As a professional appraiser or inspector you need to understand mold and all its… Read More

Speaking Like a Pro

Speaking Like a Pro By Mike Casey Professional phrases for common situations: Newbie: “This is stupid,” or “Geez, will you look at this!” Pro: “For increased safety, we recommend…” Or “For optimum performance we recommend…” Newbie: Instead of the “Code Word” say: Pro: “Not serviceable, nonstandard, substandard, unconventional, inadequate, temporary.” Newbie: “It’s old.” Pro: “The… Read More