From the Publisher


WRE Issues

From the Publisher
Older, Wiser and Greener

In February of this year WRE became the first publication in this industry to post an interactive digital edition of the print magazine online for free- readers can zoom in/out, flip pages, click links to advertisers and more! The print magazine is posted in its entirety in the new interactive format at It will continue to mail to 80,000-90,000 appraisers and inspectors each quarter.

Going Green – Opting Out of Print
Maybe it’s just getting older and wiser but the last few years I’ve also become greener- more environmentally conscious. Better late than never I guess. It could be because I now have a window into the future- a beautiful four-year old daughter who I hope is able to hike, swim and play outdoors her whole life, just like her daddy.

So we recycle more, pay attention to what and how we consume and try to make the “green” choice as often as possible.

What does this have to do with the new format? For those who find reading the online edition just fine, we have a different hope. If you find reading the interactive digital edition of WRE suits your needs, our hope is that you will opt out of the print edition, saving trees, energy and money.

You can read the details at Working RE Announces New Interactive Digital Edition. Forgoing the print magazine makes sense if you digest your information primarily online these days, as many of you tell me you do. On the other hand, we know that many of you will always prefer holding a print magazine in your hands and that’s okay too- we’ll keep it coming.

Register Only Once
To test drive the new format, visit and click the cover image. Register once with an email and password and you can access each new issue of the magazine online from now on.

Opting Out of Print: if you find you’re content reading the online edition and don’t mind skipping the print, include your address information in the login form at anytime and we’ll remove you from the print mailing. You will be notified via email when each new issue publishes online.

If it suits you, we hope you consider choosing the interactive digital edition online instead of print, to help preserve our planet. Thank you.

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